Thursday, October 16, 2008

Let Obama and Biden calculate your taxes

So now that we've gotten the pomp and circumstance of the debates out of the way, lets focus on the nitty gritty in these final days of the campaign. One of the major issues throughout the debates has been which candidate will cut/raise your taxes. Being the forward thinkers that they are, the Obama campaign has made it possible to Know for yourself.

They've created a Tax Calculator where you can input your income level and marital status and viola, you get to find out what your tax liability will be under their tax plan.

Obama-Biden Tax Calculator

Barack Obama and Joe Biden will cut taxes for 95% of working families, and provide at least three times as much tax relief for middle class families as John McCain and Sarah Palin. The Obama/Biden plan provides $1,000 of tax relief for workers and new tax benefits to help families pay for college, childcare and save for retirement.

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